We Gather around the Prayerbook and Proclaim the Gospel

Deep Roots

Grounded in the Gospel and sustained by structures of liturgy and prayer, we share in rhythms and relationships that reach across time and around the world. Nourished together by these things, we find hope, abundance, and joy, becoming a community characterized by the restfulness they bring.

Local Fruit

Stewarding the faith that has been passed down to us on behalf of our families, our community, our city, and our region, we are beauty-lovers, bridge-builders, and peacemakers who seek to grow in loving and serving God and our neighbors in the places he plants us and the vocations he assigns to us.

Foundational Theological Commitments

Reconciliation Anglican Church is a mission of the Anglican Diocese of the Rocky Mountains, which is part of the Anglican Church in North America. Within this structure of obedience, we:

Rejoice in the Gospel of God, that we have been saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ by the Power of the Holy Spirit

Believe the Holy Scripture of the Old and New Testament to be the Word of God written and to contain all things necessary for salvation

Uphold the four Ecumenical Councils and the three historic Creeds as expressing the rule of faith of the one holy catholic and apostolic church

The catechism of the Anglican Church of North America, To Be a Christian, outlines the doctrine we are committed to steward in greater detail.

A Prayer that Christ be formed in us

Lord Jesus, Master Carpenter of Nazareth, on the Cross through wood and nails you wrought our full salvation: wield well your tools in this, your workshop, that though we come to you rough-hewn, we may be fashioned into a truer beauty by your hand; who with the Father and the Holy Spirit live and reign, one God, world without end.

If any one is in Christ, he is a new creation: the old has passed away, behold, the new has come. All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation

— The Apostle Paul (2Cor 5:17-18)